I have spent the last few days getting all the nitty gritties sorted, also taking the opportunity to do a self-tour around campus. It is huge! Walking from one side of the campus to the other takes almost 30 minutes I must add. There are some cool looking buildings here too. The most notable must be the one on the heart of campus, the Geisel library, which sends forth the resonating chime every quarter hour. It's facade resembles that of a futuristic sci-fi spaceship, and it is named after Dr. Seuss (yes we all know who that is).

The past few days have been great in the sense that I have explored the campus, one of the many beaches, and learnt a heck of a lot about American culture through my host family. I've done lots of walking here, but it is such a common sight to see people of all ages, races and fitness level either cycling, running or walking around the neighbourhood. Notable things I have seen since I arrived that I must mention are: fit tanned ladies walking their overly groomed and neatly trimmed dogs, so many houses with large masts holding American flags, the fact that 90% of cars in La Jolla are post 2000 (I've seen a few state-of-the-art Mustangs, Corvettes, Porsches, Ferraris, Humvees already), some with little fluttering American flags (some even with Chargers flags), how most dinner conversation topics will inevitably lead to politics (coming from experience with host family), how conversationally driven and socially open people can be (as a consequence of the Freedom of Speech?). I truly am experiencing first-hand, the American stereotype...it's great though.

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